Edición en DVD


Pantalla: 2.35:1
Idioma: Inglés-Español-Francés
Subtítulos: Inglés-Español-Francés
Código: 61102079
Sello: Universal Home Entertainment
Lanzamiento: 24/04/2009
- Deleted Scenes
- The Making of Frost/Nixon: Take an in-depth look at all aspects of the production and discover the lengths it took to recreate this historic event for the big screen.
- The Real Interview: Footage from the actual interview and how it compares to the way it was reenacted for the film.
- The Nixon Library: Discover the materials that have been preserved for public viewing in the Richard Nixon Library, ranging from the "Nixon Tapes" to footage of Nixon visiting China.
- Feature Commentary with Director Ron Howard

English Version
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